Lonny Lippsett
Science Writer
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Lonny will be writing the field dispatches.
Role in the expedition?
Onboard journalist. My job is report the who, what, when, where, and why
as this trail-blazing expedition unfolds.
Favorite food when in the Artic?
Never gone polar before, but a friend working in the Antarctic said he
had to eat feverishly to replace calories burned just to keep warm. He
ate sticks of butter like popsicles.
Why I do what I do?
Telling and hearing stories are deep within the human race. The writer
Jacqui Banaszynski summed it up: She said stories are our prayers, our
parables, our history, our music, and our souls.
Where I grew up?
Brooklyn, New York, in the era just after the Dodgers’ betrayal. So I am
familiar with environments with no grass. I was 9 or 10 before I played
my first ballgame not on asphalt.
Least favorite class in school?
High school physics, first period, 7:30 a.m. My teacher asked me to name
a type of force, and still sleepy, the first thing I thought of was air
pressure. Except I said, “Air force.” My classmates were amused; my
teacher was not. I didn’t immediately understand either of their reactions.