
Video (10:39)

Video (1:52)

Video (0:22)

Video (0:33)

Video (6:47)

Water draining into center of South Lake
Ian drilling hole into ice for stations
Ice axe into lake ice
Pole being inserted into hole for station
Water flowing into crack
Waterfall from Maya's Stream into South Lake basin
Helicopter arrival for camp change
New (glass pane) ice breaking
Live Talks from the Museums:
From the Museum of Science in Boston, listen to a live call via satellite phone from the Greenland ice sheet, from glaciologist Sarah Das of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She spoke about life on the ice and her current research involving melt water lakes and their impact on the ice sheet. (17 minutes)
From the Houston Mueum of Natural Science, in Houston Texas, listen to a live via satellite phone from the Greenland ice sheet, Twila Moon moderated a question and answer period with Ian Joughin from the University of Washington. Listen to the audio of questions and answers below. (25 minutes)
From the Ocean Science Exhibit Center in Woods Hole, MA, watch a live talk via satellite phone from the Greenland ice sheet, featuring Dr. Dan Lizarralde and Dr. Mark Behn. Video (6:47)