Tools & Technology: CTD
CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth)
The CTD will be used to measure various water properties and collect water samples. CTD is an acronym for the parameters that this device measures: “Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth.” The CTD itself is a set of small probes attached to a metal cage called a rosette. The rosette, which also has long, cylindrical bottles for capturing samples of seawater at different depths, is lowered on a cable down to the seafloor. Scientists then analyze the water samples for their chemical properties. This information, along with water temperature and salt content, is important to physical oceanographers because it tells them about the types of water masses present and how they are moving in the ocean. It will also be important to the hydrothermal vent scientists on this cruise since the chemicals detected in the water will give scientists a rough idea of where the vent plumes are. Only after the CTD has confirmed the existence of plume water will the AUVs be deployed.
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